iphone 4 white release date singapore

iphone 4 white release date singapore. The much talked about, iPhone
  • The much talked about, iPhone

  • cloudnine
    Aug 25, 04:45 PM
    maybe if apple wasn't so dead set on making everything as tiny as possible so that nothing had any room to ventilate and in turn, baking inside, there wouldn't be all these problems. i'd be interested to see the performance results of say, a macbook pro with the casing type of a mac pro.


    then again, i'm no hardware designer so :P *thinking outloud*

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. The price of the white iPhone
  • The price of the white iPhone

  • dmkidd
    Mar 26, 12:05 AM
    Yes come on summer! Daddy is waiting!!

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 6, 03:08 PM
    The Xoom is a great tablet. I'm willing to bet that the majority of you who have discredited it haven't even used it. And it DOES have 3.0 Honeycomb, which IS made for tablets. The iPad 2 is still a better tablet, but is it not possible some of the iPad 2's sales have come from just the Apple name? People will buy an Apple product even if it didn't have a feature.

    people will buy a xoom just because its not made by apple.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 12:34 PM
    The Galaxy S phone with the closest and most striking resemblance to the iPhone is easily the international i9000 version.

    Cool. Okay here's a video comparison side by side (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTUlNWnyhuo&feature=player_embedded#at=23) with a 3GS outside in the sun.

    From the side, the Galaxy i9000 cannot be mistaken for a 3GS, I'd think. And boy is the Samsung's screen larger:

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone+4+release+date+2011
  • iphone+4+release+date+2011

  • Eidorian
    Jul 27, 10:12 AM
    i cant wait to do this to my mac mini. i bought the core solo with the intention of upgrading the chip myself (once i heard core 2 was pin to pin compatible) but my question now is does anyone know if the version shipping is still pin to pin compatible???!?!?!http://guides.macrumors.com/Merom

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. apple iphone 4 white pre order
  • apple iphone 4 white pre order

  • GQB
    Mar 31, 05:09 PM
    Thats not at all what this article is saying. The Android project is still going to be "open source".

    'Open Source' to the degree that it serves Google's purposes.

    The point is that Apple is derided as 'closed' while Google is erroneously beatified as 'open', when in fact there is little difference between the two (other than the fact that I somewhat trust Apple with private info, while I wouldn't trust Google as far as I could throw them.)

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:21 PM
    You obviously are posting without knowing anything about what a long form BC is. The short form is what the parents get and what you get when you ask the state for a copy. The long form is what is kept on file by the state. In other words, since it is handled very infrequently, it's probably going to look pristine.

    If you don't like the guy, then say so, but it seems to me that to you, ignorance is more important than knowledge.
    Maybe the certificate is legitimate, but I think the original short form would have been more convincing than a pristine copy of the long one. I like Obama, but I loathe his extreme liberalism.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. The iPhone 4 is perfect
  • The iPhone 4 is perfect

  • littleman23408
    Nov 17, 08:49 AM
    Sure hope this game finally decides to come out on the 24th, i'm ready to play this sucker all day thanksgiving.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. Iphone+4+white+release+
  • Iphone+4+white+release+

  • pdpfilms
    Aug 11, 10:37 AM
    "...Earlier than some may be expecting"??

    Wasn't everyone expecting this a year ago?

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. Update, release in white
  • Update, release in white

  • ChazUK
    Apr 6, 02:39 PM

    my cousin got his from Costco last night - he was waiting for the Wi-Fi only one

    That's what I've gone for, Wifi only. With the wireless hotspot feature of the Nexus S, a 3G version seemed pointless for me.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. white iphone 4 release date.
  • white iphone 4 release date.

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 10:29 AM
    More like arguing about where the dessert forks and soup spoons go in the place settings. I don't think lifeboats have even entered into the conversation.

    I believe the 'long form' is rearranging the deck chairs. :)

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • guzhogi
    Jul 20, 10:01 AM
    Something I'd like to see is the framerate on Doom 3 if I played it on an 8-core Mac Pro w/ 2 of the fastest videocards in SLI/crossfire mode and one of those physics coprocessors (saying Doom 3 was optimized for it).

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • afrowq
    Apr 12, 03:08 PM
    I'd say 25% of the current user base would be a lot.

    I'd say that is a subjective number that you pulled out of thin air. But that's fine, cause it's your opinion. But it is no more valid than my assessment.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 03:20 PM
    Anyway, Takeshi Kitano rules. :D


    Just trying to spread the message! ;)

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release date
  • iphone 4 white release date

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:44 PM
    So, all in all, what's new? I don't know, but can't wait to see it on Monday.

    Here are some rumors I've heard, but don't feel like linking to. Check with Google if you want.

    *BitTorrent - Integrated into Leopard as a core technology, much like Spotlight. Used in Software Update and a new version of Safari.

    *iChat Phone - Call numbers through iChat as part of .Mac... I guess you could make a conference with a combination of multiple phone numbers/iChatters.

    *Maps - A new application designed to compete with Google Earth, but of course be much, much snazzier. Apparently, the next MBP would include a GPS chip so that you could see a "You Are Here" on the map.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iPhone 4G Singapore release
  • iPhone 4G Singapore release

  • chasemac
    Aug 7, 05:07 PM
    Time Machine won't mean much when the HD fails. Back that azz up!

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. 4 release date singapore,
  • 4 release date singapore,

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 07:42 PM
    I mean, if we don't get to compare GT to NFS because of that, then surely you shouldn't compare GT to Forza for the same reason.
    goes GT allow dragging/drifting ? :p

    its kind of like comparing two different beasts imo.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. iphone 4 white release
  • iphone 4 white release

  • Multimedia
    Aug 18, 06:50 PM
    So what apps will saturate all four cores or at least get close to it, on either a quad G5 or quad xeon? Are there any?

    Are there any apps that really take advantage of four cores on their own?Toast 7.1 UB can use more than two cores. In my test at the Apple stopre last Saturday I saw Toast 7.1 UB use more than 3 - between 2.3 and 3.1 cores all the time on the Mac Pro. It also uses more than two on the Quad G5 - just barely. Handbrake is not yet optimized for Mac Pro and uses a little less than two on both. That use of two is negatively impacted as soon as you start doiong something else especially both Toast and Handbrake at once.

    But in future it will use all four. The problem with that "test" you so highly value, is that the testers didn't have a Quad to compare to, so they didn't even search out applications that are already "Quad Core Ready" - that would make a nice bullet on a software package wouldn't it?

    Better yet: "MultiCore Ready".

    If you don't think you are going to ever use more than one thing at a time, then you are right. But I think most of us here have 10-15 things open at once and do all sorts of things at once. That's the reason for "Spaces" in Loepard.

    iphone 4 white release date singapore. white iphone 4 release date us
  • white iphone 4 release date us

  • deconai
    Aug 11, 03:43 PM
    I'm saying that every one and their dog has a cell phone in Europe. Really. Quite literally. http://www.environmental-studies.de/products/Dog-Tracking/dog-tracking.html ;)

    Now that's funny. XD

    Nov 28, 07:55 PM
    Was trying for a long time to find this article:


    A good story of how Microsoft got screwed into paying the $1. Long story short, because of them not controlling a market for once and not having the largest publisher of music to get tunes from, Universal held MS's feet to the fire and said pay up or forget it.

    Good read nonetheless.

    Aug 5, 10:42 PM

    Leopard preview
    Mac Pro (same enclosure)
    New displays. Same enclosure, better specs.
    Isight, smaller, stand alone. or BTO on displays
    New large display 40"+
    New Aiport xpress. Better range, wirelles music/video.
    That's it
    No ipods, no Ihome, no iphone.

    Apr 8, 01:22 AM
    I also don't think brick and mortar stores are dying, just certain types that are easy to purchase same product online like movies, toys, known products that don't need to be checked out.

    The average person buying a computer is still not that computer bright like the average Macrumors member.

    And there will always be people looking to check out and play with new technology in person.

    When Amazon can pull that rabbit out of a hat then I'll admit brick & mortar is done. So far brick and mortar is only done for content sales which can be checked out online and various new ways.

    I don't think anybody's going to be buying a lawn tractor or big screen TV on Amazon anytime soon.

    Hell, even my success rate buying computers on Ebay has always been sketchy even. About 30% of the time, the items showed up damaged in shipping due to poor packaging. That's why I believe most general consumers will always go brick and mortar for more expensive things that could easily be damaged in shipping.

    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    That something that could be explained in two lines by someone in the know has to go to a Federal lawsuit. Clearly Apple is trying to avoid getting drawn into a privacy discussion, because as we know, there's no end to the absurd lengths people will declare their rights trod upon.

    Someone's trying to make a "big thing�" out of this.

    Aug 6, 07:18 PM
    I find it amusing how optimistic Mac users are. Every once in a while Apple has an event where they really wow with product releases, but seems like 9 out of 10 people are predicting amazing releases. By the way, I'm not criticizing in any way, and being optimistic is good.

    I'm predicting Steve will annouce his retirement :eek: :p

    Probably about as likely as some of the wish lists we've seen, haha.

    That being said, I "wish" that apple would wow the world with something that would make people say "why didn't we do it like that all along?".