Come in number 47...

We have been blessed with some lovely weather this week, which has mean't that the fencer has been making good progress. At this rate he should be finished by the weekend and the girls will get some fresh grass. I am so sad ...I just love new fencing...and especially new gates (much better than shoes)! I have to admit that Paul's plans have worked well!

Tuesday saw Ben and I head off to Scotland with a car full of yarn. We met up with our weaver to finalise the Beck Brow designs...lots of decisions....patterns...finishes...sizes...but we got there in the end. I think Ben was losing the will to live as he had obviously just come along for the free lunch!

In future it will make more sense to get the yarn posted straight from Yorkshire, but as this was the first batch of yarn especially spun for weaving, I wanted to check it our for myself first. Thankfully the weaver's verdict on the quality of the yarn was very positive. It has taken some time to find the right people to produce the quality of product that I am after, but hopefully we are getting there. And with someone interested in taking on the production of the knitwear, we will, with luck be moving on with that side of things soon.

I had a day off yesterday. The plan was to do some 'strenuous' walking with friends, but by the time that Claire had tried to persuade Minnie that she still loved her; Cath checked out all our yarn and the felted designs; and we managed to find somewhere for lunch, we only had time for a short walk...2 hours it said on the map...well we all know that that is timed for 'the unfit'...we planned to do it in 1 hour 30 mins....2 hours 45 mins later and we make it back to the car...the moral of the story...don't go walking through fields during lambing season. First we find a lamb stuck in a hedge...number 47 was sprayed on it's side...we untangled it and let it go...that was when we saw mummy number 47 on the other side of the fence...duh that was why it was trying to get through...right try to catch it again... Next field we find a lamb near dead...we give it some water and it drinks it down passes a milky poo (must have fed) lifts it's head....what to needs a bottle of milk...we are in the middle of nowwhere...we eventually find a farm and report our find...but we then realise we are lost...three women of a certain age, two dogs, and a dodgy map!!...we did reward ourselves upon our safe return with a glass of a good day overall.

Minnie...not so lovey full of pregnancy hormones

Beck Brow Paige Turner (aka Poppet) still deciding if she will make the show team.