More Futurity Crack...that's gossip to non-northerners!.

Feeling just about recovered from all the socialising at the weekend; I thought that I would share a bit more info for those who didn't make The Futurity:

Some facts and some opinions!

Dovecote Jaquinto of Alpaca Stud was the overall progeny winner.

Bozedown Comet II took Reserve Champion.
Lillyfield Jack of Spades also did very well. Some fantastic progeny.

E.P Cambridge Top Account of Fowberry had an amazing show. Fingers crossed that we will be taking at least one of his progeny next year!

All the elite auction alpacas met their reserves. The top price went to Houghton Hall Vanessa (£8000) who was sold to Europe. Paul had been going to bid for EP Cambridge Slinky Minx without me knowing, but either he or the system messed up! Never mind EP Cambridge will always be breeding outstanding females...maybe next year!

It was announced after the fashion show that Catherine Middleton has agreed to wear (if she likes it) a coat made from 100% British alpaca. The guests were asked if they knew of any designers who may be interested and to let themselves be known. Interesting?

We won a prize in the raffle for the first time. The main part of the prize was a drive by mating to a Snowshill Stud male (unfortunately not something that we can take up when we live in Cumbria, but thank you). Luckily they also donated 6 bottle of red wine...Cheers! Although I did mention to Mrs Mount that we needed screw tops next year as we didn't have a corkscrew with us...just as well I think... Paul noticed the drink responsibly warning on the bottle...if only I had taken heed on the Friday night (I know who I blame)!!

The sharing of information, experience and the kindness and support given at these events is incredible. It would appear that The British Alpaca Futurity will be even bigger next year...I believe that it is to be moved to the NEC next year? I didn't speak to anyone who hadn't though the event to be a great success.

I didn't manage to take any photos of Paul in the ring (I would have been shaking too much anyway) so thanks to Dave from Apple Vale Alpacas for this one:

Paul and least Paul's happy!

I did say that I was tired yesterday...well I wasn't exaggerating; I did it again...I didn't close the gate properly...all of the girls escaped. Not just up the lane...No...I had also left the gate propped open to the 12 acre field; the one that we are waiting to get fenced... Unfortunately the fencer, who was supposed to start work in January, has been coming up with various reasons to delay things. The girls are getting short of grass so there was no way that they were coming out again...12 acres of lush grass!!

I was trying to stay cool but I was a bit concerned as there was still some barbed wire in there. However at the usual feeding time I shouted and they all came back to the stables to be fed. As soon as I shut the gate behind them, they realised that they had been stupid...some were so miffed that they wouldn't even eat their hard food...Hoity actually kicked me. I still hadn't been forgiven this we have moved them...into what is to be the birthing paddocks...hopefully we will get the fencing done next week and they will be moved out again in time for the grass to grow back...hey ho!