Exploring Predictions

I am writing an early blog this morning as I am going to be on domestic duties for the rest of the day. Paul, who was up at 6am for work this morning, was unable to find a clean ironed shirt to wear. I suggested putting the light on. But no, still no work shirts to be found. Look, I have been busy. Anyway, he looked very smart wearing his 'wedding shirt' on a Monday morning.

Saturday morning was spent trying to solve a Chinese puzzle. I have decided not to take Poppet to The BAS National Show. She is still rather imature and I don't want to push her into halter training too soon. This now means that we can fit all of the team into the van without having to tow the trailer. But here's the problem. If we fill the back with alpacas where do we store all their kit? Okay, we solved that one, but where do we put our suit case...No case... Probably not even a ruck sack. So, if anyone sees me at The National and thinks that I am wearing the same clothes for the whole of the weekend; The chances are that they will probably be correct. But don't worry... I will have changed my underwear and socks (room in the door pocket)! Paul's job for next weekend; building in some more storage (for alpaca stuff of course).

I am going to make a prediction about The National Show. A prediction about Beck Brow Explorer. A bit brave I know...I am going to predict...one direct hit and two near misses. We have been trying to get Explorer used to having his fleece examined without 'pouffing'. But we are on a losing battle. It is like a trigger reaction. On one occasion we avoided an immediate 'pouffe' and I foolishly bent down to hug him, only to find it was just a slightly delayed response...bulls eye or my eye to be precise. I think that it may have become a Pavlov's dog situation. Fleece...pouffe...laughter. And from the belly laugh response from Paul when I got it in the eye, it is not going to stop anytime soon. So I predict one for the ring steward!

Yesterday it was down to Stoneleigh again for a meeting of the BAS fibre committee. There was a very good attendance at a very informative workshop. Well worth the long journey. There really is some fantastic work out there (my favourite was the rabbit...thinking outside the box). Jean Field updated the group on the British company (unsure if I should be naming names here) wishing to trial the use of UK alpaca. The initial request for fibre has been quickly met and, impressed by the quality, the company is now requesting to purchase as much of this years clip as possible and in all colours (except grey I believe) up to 30 microns (the higher micron fibre is to be blended with other products). Good news if this can bring processing prices down and also create a demand for the end product.

On the last blog Judi requested a photo of Anzac Viracocha Black Sabbath our shared black male. Sorry it is just the website version as he is not with us at the moment. We will get to see him at The National Show and he will be with us in the summer. Isolation paddock all prepared.

Anzac Viracocha Black Sabbath (sire Cedar House Amar)

We have had a lots of interest in the alpacas, both calls and visits, recently. I just love the opportunity to talk about alpacas to people who are really interested, and great to see that their appeal just keeps growing.