Happy Birthday Explorer

Yes, Beck Brow Explorer (Gorgeous to his friends) is one year-old today.

A lot of excitement had been building up around his expected birth last year; his dam Cambridge Camilla (sire Accoyo Remarque) was purchased from EP Cambridge Alpaca Stud already pregnant to the multiple Supreme Champion Cambridge Navigator of ACC. There was a chance that Camilla could have the first Navigator cria to be born. But he kept us waiting...and waiting...finally arriving after 385 days gestation. Both Mum and Cria appeared to be in shock.

Beck Brow Explorer...at one hour

Unfortunately mum's milk didn't drop. Explorer refused to take from a bottle and time was running out. We tried passing an oral tube but he fought so much we couldn't keep it secured. Eventually a nasal tube was passed and he was given oral plasma, but 10 hours had passed. IgG testing at 36 hours gave a reading of less than 100 g/l and he received an I.V plasma transfusion along with the course of antibiotics he had already started.

7/6/10...looking wounded and under the weather, but better than a few days earlier (photo just not pleasant)

21/6/1010...nearly a month has passed...and he is nicknamed Gorgeous (as ironic). Will he grow into the ears...

7/7/10...starting as he means to go on...run Roma!

 26/8/10...Still looking rather Gorgeous

1/11/10...at last he is starting to look the part

Something that we won't have dared hope for a year ago....Explorer at the BAS National Show taking first prize and Reserve Junior Male Champion.

It would have been so nice to have had a birth today on his anniversary...the weather is fine as well...but it doesn't look like it is to be. Never mind we are just very grateful to have him...he is a constant source of amusement to us all...and we love him to pieces...the fact he is a prize winner is just the icing on the cake.

Happy Birthday pouffing boy!