shirdi sai baba wallpaper

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 13, 09:49 PM
    Good to have you back folding again. We need the points...

    ^^ yeh i agree! would be nice to get a new bunch of people on having a crack.

    Welcome back. We need the points... Our medium term outlook not looking so great right now...

    thanks. it's good to be back, but like i said, i'm having serious internet issues here. i'm paying for 12 mb/s, and sometimes i'm getting less than 1! :mad:

    Yeah, we moved to 57th place but there is pleasurdome and bitgamer right behind us :( some new guy, awachs, is making 10 mil a week :eek: his electric bill must be outrageous, must have a pile of gtx480's... and he will pass us in about 3 or 4 months.

    dang. well once i get the internet situation under control, i'll be able to contribute more.

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  • Sai Baba Darshan

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 04:32 PM
    missed that one. fully agree.

    why? men and women can't share a basin to wash their hands? many places already have unisex restrooms. As long as it is known, there shouldn't be any problem.
    I really don't see any reasons, other than people being stuck in their old conventions. it would surely simplify my life when I am around town with my kids.

    In a dreamland, sure, it works out great.

    Reality: Guy and a woman in adjacent stalls. Man drops his phone on the ground. Picks it up. woman assumes he is taking photos of her under the stall. Etc.

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  • Shirdi Sai baba temple : Ssc

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

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  • Shirdi Sai Baba Wallpapers

  • PinkyMacGodess
    Oct 6, 09:23 PM
    Well if Verizon hadn't been so crazy to try to corn hole Apple over the features of the iPhone and cause Apple to walk from the discussions, it would be a nearly bankrupt AT&T with their nose pressed against the glass saying that the iPhone sucks...

    Sure, I have issues with AT&T's service. Sure there are times when I use AT&T's name in vain. I swore more when I found out that my Verizon phone with bluetooth would have more features on someone elses cell phone network and that the 'brain drain' at Verizon ordered certain features removed from the phone on their network! Yeah, Verizon has ZERO room to talk. They coulda had the iPhone... Hah!


    shirdi sai baba wallpaper. in Shirdi, Sai Baba of Shirdi
  • in Shirdi, Sai Baba of Shirdi

  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    Ok iTunes Aus is same.

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  • shirdi sai baba wallpaper.

  • noodlelegs
    Jan 8, 10:47 AM
    Interesting that the original post in this thread states that it is indeed an LTE Verizon iPhone. That seems to coincide with the video of the parts that were leaked on youtube a couple days ago, showing a sim card slot on the new phone. I think I read somewhere that LTE phones require a sim card, and also, LTE is capable of simultaneous voice/data. The stars seem to be aligning.


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  • shirdi sai baba wallpaper.

  • habibbijan
    Nov 16, 11:46 PM
    I'm all for this.

    For years AMD and Intel have played "leap frog" with one another in terms of performance. It's only recently that Intel has taken the lead after a lengthy duration of AMD dominance. Now that Apple has moved to x86, I see nothing wrong with Apple offering a choice of processors based on whatever brand can offer the best price/performance ratio. Say what you want about Dell, but they've recently starting offering AMD-based computers, and in my opinion this competition is good for the consumer.

    And for those of you stating that AMD processors run too hot, wake up and smell the coffee. You're about 4 years behind. Ever since Intel introduced their 90 nm "Prescott" core, their temps were blisteringly hot compared to comparable AMD processors. Of course, things are different now, and both AMD's and Intel's offering run quite cool in comparison to their previous generations.

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  • AppleMacDudeG4
    May 4, 06:33 PM
    They forgot to include if you ask us whether you can buy one in an Apple store, we would say "order online".

    Otherwise nice commercial.


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  • Beautiful Sai Baba Images

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:19 AM
    Man that's early must be a big update. :cool: :D

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  • Shirdi Sai Baba Spiritual

  • ssteve
    Oct 6, 12:18 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    Are you amongst tall buildings when you experience these dropped calls on Verizon? Maybe Verizon drops these calls because of the same reason AT&T does....

    Don't get me wrong. I won't get an iPhone until I can get it on Verizon. I live in AZ and there are only two small spots where I ever lose a call and most of the time when I am in these areas, the calls do not drop.

    Verizon...Get the iPhone.


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  • Shirdi Sai Baba - Good energy

  • fivepoint
    Mar 4, 11:49 AM
    I'm sorry, but I just have to smile at some of this. It manages to be self-contradictory and over the top, all in just nine words. I could almost see you waving your pom-pons while you wrote it.

    Sorry, but you guys are self-destructing, and while it's painful to watch what you're doing to the economy and to good, hard-working people, at least we're seeing you implode in ways far greater than we'd ever dreamed. Keep watching those polls. You're doing everything you can to help the Democrats in 2012.

    Oh, and please stop getting tea stains all over my flag.


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    PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans lead by 51% to 41% among registered voters in Gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences. The 10-percentage-point lead is the GOP's largest so far this year and is its largest in Gallup's history of tracking the midterm generic ballot for Congress.

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  • sherlockholmes
    May 3, 11:54 PM
    None of the above.

    The commercials are cringe worthy when the potential you have is limited to web browsing.

    The potential is limited only by you imagination.


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  • shirdi sai baba wallpaper.

  • Lyra
    Aug 1, 01:48 PM
    Ok, so this is one thing people don't really talk about, but to be completely honest, why don't we just be honest here.

    Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.

    Point is, that loosing Denmark or Norway, or both, doesn't play any roles here... They are no market for Apple. We have Denmark, who is 98% PeeCee users and are still allergic to change and everything Apple. So, with a population of roughly 5 million, and most people use, PCs, and their aggressive TDC (Local Telephone company/Internet Company) downloadable music campaigns came out a month or two before Apple was allowed into the country. Conveniently they got a head start, no one talks about how TDC was blocking Apple from getting in.

    Now, Apple users have just recently started to grow in Denmark, and if I say that the total Mac User community in Denmark is 25.000 people, then I am being optimistic at best. Out of that 25.000 a good 10.000 to 15.000 users don't have a modern mac, or don't even have broadband and don't surf the web like others, or rather, they are not part of the iLife community that has spawned an entire culture, thanks to Apple.

    Then we have a few the 10.000 or so who actually have a current mac and do use all the tools and apps in the iLife community. But not all download music, so if we say that 5000 people actually buy music from iTunes, then is a minor miracle. A song on iTunes costs you $1.37 and then you actually need an iPod too, so let's throw that into the equation too. How many currently active iLife / iPod users are there really? Not a heck of alot. The iPod is not cheap in Denmark and songs are not cheap either.

    People might have tried to buy a few songs from iTunes, but don't count on people actually building their library up with songs purchased with music from iTunes.

    So, in the grand scheme of things, loosing 5-10.000 customers (being optimistic here and I am not even saying they are reoccurring users) for Apple doesn't mean a thing. New York has more inhabitant than Denmark...Ohh I don't know, say, 4 times more?

    NEW YORK (Population 19,227,088)

    DENMARK (Population 5,450,661 -the entire country-)

    NORWAY (Population 4,610,820 -the entire country-)

    SWEDEN (Population 9,016,596 -the entire country-)

    New York makes up these three countries and no, not the entire State buys iTunes, but then neither do, these three countries...

    So, the entire US, Canada, Asia, Australia and parts of Europe.. Do, you really think, Denmark makes an impression? Or Sweden and Norway for that matter?

    Honestly, they are full of them selves, and they are MS friendly, always have been and always will be... That is their way... It won't change, creativity doesn't live these places.

    The fact that these small countries yell so loudly has to be because they don't have anything better to do with their time and money.

    So, for those who really think, Apple should give in, to these spoiled nations... Think again... Apple would benefit from leaving these countries, and let them enjoy whatever they want to enjoy.

    TV shows, in those countries? Well I can only speak for Denmark, as I am stationed here... With their perverted Laws... That won't ever happen... Something called CODA and License, are the real pirates of those countries.

    These countries simply didn't deserve to have Apple even thinking about giving them a piece of the fun...

    shirdi sai baba wallpaper. Shirdi Sai Baba Wallpapers
  • Shirdi Sai Baba Wallpapers

  • JForestZ34
    Mar 17, 04:23 PM
    I feel bad for the kid who's not going to have a job because a costumer was too American to be honest and tell him that he did not pay the correct amount.

    What is American coming to? I think I'll move to Japan.

    If the kid didn't make sure he had all the money than it's all on him.. He's the one working the register.. He's supposed to make sure it's paid for..

    I don't feel sorry for him.. This is how you learn....



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  • Shirdi Sai Baba : Desktop

  • tkermit
    Apr 8, 10:19 AM
    Actually its the other way around. Windows 7 has leap frogged apple in terms of functionality, UI and usability.

    Actually, it depends on what you use your computer for, what your expectations are, and where your priorities lie.

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  • zap2
    Mar 7, 10:54 AM
    Android OS has gone through many changes and many people are now starting to feel iOS is getting dated. Android was first with true multi-tasking (iOS still lacks it even though it doesn't kill batteries on Android phones), copy/paste, augmented reality apps and they've implemented a much better notification system than Apple's near useless "block everything you're doing to answer this question".

    I suggest you check our Symbain if you think Android had it beat for multitasking. As far as "true multi-tasking", look if you're unhappy with iOS mutli-tasking solution, then it might be time to leave the OS, because it works just fine.

    Look at the MacBook Air, Rev A. They launched it, then basically forgot about it until the Rev D model which is now one of their top sellers. Will they stagnate there too ? A lot of people thought that "the future of Macbooks!" would actually translate in a few changes to other Macbook lines. It didn't. Look at the Mac Mini.

    Are sorry are you upset that Apple doesn't redo their laptop each time? Yes, sometimes all we are going to get spec updates, not the end of the world, it just makes sense from a business model. "Basically forgetting about it" is just code for only spec updates right?


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 9, 09:11 PM
    I see you've been educated in the public school system :D

    Your point? Do you deny General Lee surrendered on this date in 1865?

    This was an important victory for the US.

    Actually it looks like you are being sarcastic. LOL

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  • shirdi sai baba wallpapers shirdi sai baba wallpaper pages index 1 2 3 .

  • PeterQVenkman
    Sep 29, 09:34 PM
    I already posted that there was an antenna hidden in the wall. Now my source tells me the copper rain gutters are really antennas.

    They don't drop signal when leaves or rain hit the gutters, do they?

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  • om-sai-ram-shirdi-sai-sathya-

  • toddybody
    Apr 29, 01:11 PM
    Oh the waiting game...

    Oct 3, 03:27 PM
    All I can say is whatever "top secret" features Leopard has better blow me out of my socks, threw the wall, and across my yard. As it stands. Meh.

    iTV will be mine though as long as I can hook up an external HD to it to store video. If not. Pass.

    May 3, 10:50 PM
    This is a very effective ad. Much better than the current iPhone ads.

    Apr 22, 10:57 AM
    Home Schooling +1

    Sep 29, 07:55 AM
    If the garage is detached, what does he do when it's raining?

    You know, like, use an umbrella, or, like, run.

    Nov 6, 06:21 PM
    I've pre-ordered the Prestige Edition pack on the PS3. It's already been shipped and I will get it on Monday or Tuesday, shame really, cause I cannot open it until Christmas Day!!!!! hahahaha, oh I shall have to be strong..... but I thinks it's a cool pressy. I may play with the toy car more first though :D:D