High Tech Glasses Convert 3D Movies Back To Normal

Yes, it's true. Now you can enjoy 3D movies without being subjected to that blurry picture that makes you want to hurl.

From Wired:

...there is a third choice: 2-D glasses. These specs won’t help with the dim picture you see from a 3-D theater screen, but they will cut out the stomach-wrenching effects some people get from 3-D. The technology is simple. 3-D works by sending a different image to each eye. Without any glasses, you can see both images on screen together, and they are blurry and impossible to watch. 3-D glasses filter these in various ways to send the correct image to the correct eye. 2D glasses filter out one image from both eyes, so you see the a 2-D movie.

Isn't this a wondrous time to be alive?