Jean Claude Van Damme

Jean Claude Van Damme. of Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • of Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • jouh
    Apr 8, 08:10 AM

    Say no to pixels!


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme 533x400
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme 533x400

  • Koodauw
    Nov 28, 03:42 PM
    I used the V400 for a while. We didnt get a long to well. It was fine, the battery life was fine for me. Nothing un reasonable. 3-4 days is what I got. I seemed rather slow n sluggish at times. It also scratches very easier. Then my backlight died on it. ( Just one day went out.) I went into Cingular and they gave me a new one on the spot.

    I was done with the phone though, and bought a V600 at the same time. (sold the new V400 on ebay) It much more durable IMO opinion.

    I've since bought a V3.

    All in all its a good phone. Nothing special IMO. but solid.

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Hurray Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • Hurray Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • sem824
    Apr 23, 10:52 AM
    You can call me whatever you wish, I just want my damn white iPhone 4 already :D

    Still, calling people foolish for failing to purchase the latest tech product (even if it is a phone)? Life. Get it.

    thank you. I am so f$&^ing sick of reading all the less then negative attitude posts about the white iphone. I guess the folks making those posts feel compelled to tell everyone the world according to them is black, black or black.

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Nerd Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • Nerd Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • Icaras
    May 6, 06:52 PM
    So I'm looking into a new iMac and my budget is 1500 so I'm wonder whether to get the 2.5 ghz and get some ram from OWC or just go with the 2.7 ghz please help me decide

    How long do you intend to keep the machine? Because you can always save up more and buy RAM later, but the processor is pretty much set. For this reason, I would recommend getting the 2.7.

    Since you'll be spending $300 more for the 2.7, you're also getting twice the hard drive space and a better graphics card.


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme
  • Jean Claude Van Damme

  • Yvan256
    Mar 1, 08:43 AM
    Has anyone tried the litescribe on the new lacie burners?

    Can't wait for LightScribe either... I'm only hoping Apple will add that feature to all computers in their next rev. Imagine burning a CD with iTunes and having album arts + tracks written on the label, or making a movie and then having a label made from the main menu/title image (or something). It would be perfect for laptops too (no need to carry extra hardware).

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme wants to
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme wants to

  • joehandel
    Feb 9, 05:39 PM
    Saurik actually fixed a version, but it's sort of a beta so its not published; it's only available as a .deb file:
    If you have iFile or OpenSSH installed, you can use them to install it. Let me know if you need instructions.
    Otherwise there are others in various non-standard Cydia repositories, which you would have to add to Cydia: (which hasn't been working lately)
    but Saurik's actually has more features, despite the lower version number.

    If you need to install it through ifile then I'm guessing you have to uninstall it through ifile as well? I haven't installed/uninstalled anything through SSH-ing or ifile yet so some instructions would be much appreciated!

    Edit: is it really as simple as selecting install from within ifile? I clicked the link you gave for the beta on the iPod and safari let me open the deb file in ifile. Don't wanna mess anything up but man it sure seems simple.

    Edit 2: well I went ahead and installed it, it works! Thanks a bunch.


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • lavrishevo
    Apr 27, 08:40 PM

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme.
  • Jean Claude Van Damme.

  • hipnotizer
    May 4, 06:39 PM
    Cool, thanks!


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme
  • Jean Claude Van Damme

  • cfairbank
    Mar 3, 08:58 AM
    Thinking about it. Been holding out on getting the iPad and I am ready to pull the trigger and pick one up.

    Jean Claude Van Damme. see Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • see Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • Modernape
    Apr 29, 12:57 PM
    Do you have a TM backup or a clone of the system from before you applied the update?

    If not, then a retail version of SL will be fine, you can install that over the top of your existing installation and all your files and settings will remain intact. Your 10.5 disc will not work now.


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • Chocolatemilty
    Apr 21, 09:24 PM
    Make sure you're getting RetinaPad for the official source. If you try to use a cracked or unauthorized version, then it will not work. My friend tried using the cracked version and all of his iPhone apps crashed when installed. I told him I'm using the officika paid tweak, he went ahead and bought it and it works perfectly.

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Cast: Jean-Claude Van Damme
  • Cast: Jean-Claude Van Damme

  • xbuddycorex
    May 2, 08:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Out of curiosity, how much did you pay for it?


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme
  • Jean Claude Van Damme

  • edesignuk
    Dec 15, 04:08 AM
    hehehe, very good :cool:Now get back to work :p

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme maj2008
  • Jean Claude Van Damme maj2008

  • tl01
    Mar 12, 10:56 AM
    In line again on this fine Saturday morning. About ten people at this time. 7:41am.

    How many people there now?


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme 395x589
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme 395x589

  • emw
    Sep 23, 01:27 PM
    Where *is* the U.S. refurb store, anyway? Didn't there used to be a link on the front page of the Apple store?
    It's still there - on the bottom right by the SAVE sign...

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean-Claude Van Damme - Bravo
  • Jean-Claude Van Damme - Bravo

  • orangeclockwork
    Jul 9, 05:28 PM
    every sellers record seems flawless...the catch is none of them seem to have sold expensive stuff before...they all have sold either baseball cards or cheap books...sounds kind of iffy


    Jean Claude Van Damme. Apparently, Van Damme#39;s health
  • Apparently, Van Damme#39;s health

  • PeterKG
    Dec 20, 08:27 PM

    I destroyed the case on my previous PB trying to swap the drive. It was awful, and you are so correct the PBFixit, does such a poor job in explaining this part. Thans for the tip!

    Jean Claude Van Damme. Jean Claude Van Damme - Van
  • Jean Claude Van Damme - Van

  • katchow
    Sep 19, 02:35 PM
    He took the Der-Der-Der joke and beat it too death. That was the only funny thing, and he killed it.

    And for the most part it is a Chappelle's Show wannabe, except with Mexican people and not black people...

    don't forget wit. which is sorely lacking from mencia.

    Jean Claude Van Damme. jean claude van damme
  • jean claude van damme

  • DustinT
    Mar 7, 12:14 PM
    The impedance affects more than just the volume it also affects the quality of the sound pretty significantly.

    Oct 24, 02:51 AM
    Now I'm wondering, they say the first 500 people there will get a free T-shirt, is that the first 500 that actually buy Leopard, or the first 500 that walk into the store? I ordered online, and because of the issues with not being sure whether MacMall is going to ship it and have it to me on Friday, I'm still teetering with cancelling the order, going to the store, buying it with my student discount and getting the free T-shirt.I'll be at the Palo Alto Store by about 2PM with my copy from a nearby college bookstore that I'm getting for $69 before 2PM. That should put me near the front of the queue.

    I go to the store for the party social part and get in line even though I am not going to buy it there so I can get inside the store to play with it on one of the Macs inside. I'll have my old G4 PB with me and will be installing it while I'm in the queue from the copy I buy earlier at a college store nearby.

    Pretty sure you have to buy a $129 copy to get the T-Shirt.

    Apr 22, 05:22 PM or eBay (Việt Nam (, T�rkiye (, Česk� republika (, Hanguk ( might be good price checkers.

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    Jan 6, 06:57 PM
    I used to be a professional musician and recently decided to get back into doing some demo tracks. I have an fully loaded MacBook Pro with Garage Band. I took the GarageBand course, bought a little M-Audio Keyboard and procuced two original tunes; great! Now however, I want to go a bit further so I went into B&H Electronics in NYC and bought the Tascam (model above). The sales person told me that I would be able to plug my Yamaha and Kruzweil keyboards into the unit and that the voices from these instruments could be recorded into GarageBand. Same with the microphone and my harmonic decoder. So far, the only thing I have bee able to do is record my Ovation Guitar. I cannot get the device to recognize my keyboards or my microphone. I am ready to return it. Does anyone out there have any experience on how to make this device work?

    Thank you for your responses.

    Anonymous Freak
    Sep 12, 04:50 PM
    If the stick physically fits, then it won't cause harm.

    At best, it'll work great, running the stick out of spec.

    At worst, the PC won't boot with the 'wrong' stick in there.

    Most likely (all this is assuming a 'wrong' stick,) it will boot, but will boot slower than you want. For example, if it has an 866MHz processor, it might only boot at 650Mhz. (Because, for example, it uses a 133Mhz bus, and you put 100Mhz RAM in, so it would run the processor at only a 100MHz bus, dropping it's speed accordingly.)

    Or, with lots of motherboards, the processor speed and RAM speed were independent, so it would run just fine, but the memory would run at the 'lowest common denominator' speed. This is especially true of newer DDR motherboards.

    Mar 19, 06:17 PM
    You have to be 18 to work there.

    If you want to survive, then just don't do part-time. Full time spots at Apple retail are extremely hard to come by.

    This is also hard to come by in all sectors of this bad job market.. the only sector of the job market remotely doing very well is HEALTH CARE.. you will always need nurses, doctors, etc... but no one needs industrial workers or customer service.. retail is a DEAD END as far as I am concerned..

    Even admin assistant jobs are on the decline. Contrary to what you hear on CORPORATE America's media news stations(THEY LIE AND BLIND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE), THE job market is not improving very much.