jesse mccartney fotos

jesse mccartney fotos. Hilary with Jesse McCartney,
  • Hilary with Jesse McCartney,

  • bruinsrme
    May 5, 04:12 AM
    thats funny

    jesse mccartney fotos. jesse Mccartney cool smart
  • jesse Mccartney cool smart

  • Vylen
    May 7, 03:50 AM
    My Uptime - 12 hours :p

    Do you pay your electricity bill?

    Also that is one sure way to fry your Mac. Power surge can happen at any time.. Do you really trust those $100 surge boards for 24/7 use or do you have UPS.

    Also think of how much dust gets in there...

    Not smart to leave your computer on 24/7.

    My first Mac and first iMac... the 2006 Core Duo... left it on 24/7 unless I had to reboot due to updates or crashes.

    But since I got my Mac Pro last year, I didn't need it on anymore. Funnily enough, the hardy iMac won't turn on anymore :p

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse Mccartney 2010
  • Jesse Mccartney 2010

  • zelmo
    Feb 2, 06:02 PM
    Every month at work, we purchase a new PC to upgrade general office computers. Right now, the typical boxes we are getting are 3.2GHz P4 boxes with 1GB of memory. The IT guy and I are debating the wisdom/stupidity of installing Folding on them, and switching back and forth every month between user names. We got the okay from the boss to Fold on a few specific boxes, so we probably won't do this...but it's fun to plot and plan anyway.:p

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney
  • Jesse McCartney

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 12, 08:49 PM
    That's the weird part ... everything was running fine since DP2 came out then today it started giving problems!

    What does the system log show when the iTunes hangs?


    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse Photoshoot
  • Jesse Photoshoot

  • JoeG4
    Jul 15, 04:59 AM
    Imma somewhat agree and somewhat disagree. Some Thinkpads (although not current ones) have AFFS (or IPS) screens that are better than anything else I've ever seen in a laptop.. by far.

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney
  • Jesse McCartney

  • carrieann
    May 5, 01:24 PM
    I have a 750GB hard drive on my macbook pro (my only computer) with only 50GB remaining free. I have every photo on here, along with most of my HD video that I take with my camcorder. With just those two things alone, I have 200GB of photos and 350GB of video sitting on my laptop. I used to have an online backup (JungleDisk) that I was going to use for archiving my photos, but it wound up costing over $100/month for this because I have so many files. So now I'm looking for a new/better backup and archive solution.

    My first option was to get an external drive, but in my past, I've had too many of those fail. So I'm nervous about archiving things there. If I did that, I'd want an external for archiving, a backup of my archive, and then another backup of my laptop. So that's THREE externals.

    Anyone else have a better solution? All of the online file storage sites seem to be sync only... meaning if I delete the file from my computer, it's gone online, too. I can't find someone who also does archiving, and has a "reasonable" price for online storage/archiving for that much data.

    I also upload all my photos to Flickr, but that's just the modified JPG's... I'd like to still hang on to all my RAW files!

    What does everyone else do? I can't imagine how long it would take me to burn all these files onto DVD... and then what if the DVD gets scratched??


    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney!!!!!
  • Jesse McCartney!!!!!

  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 19, 05:38 PM
    If you make sure to get the best GPU in your iMac when you order, it won't be too bad. It's been a while since the iMacs have been updated, though, so the GPU is a little old. Stay away from the MacBook for gaming, though, they have terrible GPUs. The 15" and 17" MBPs have decent graphics cards on the high end, but the MacBook is terrible.

    jesse mccartney fotos. jesse-mccartney-1.jpg
  • jesse-mccartney-1.jpg

  • Mechcozmo
    Nov 10, 09:06 AM
    I have picked up (for free no less) an ultra-slim keyboard that feels really good.

    Mini-Keyboard 5510M US PS/2 is the model number.


    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney
  • Jesse McCartney

  • ChrisFromCanada
    Dec 4, 01:00 PM
    From the apple Refurb store:

    iPod shuffle 1GB

    Original price: $149.00
    Your price: $99.00

    Free Shipping

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney-Jesse
  • Jesse McCartney-Jesse

  • colinp
    Oct 19, 09:29 PM
    I guess I'll be with you in spirit as well :D

    I have fond memories of running over to the Ginza store after work for the Tiger release. It was pretty incredible how damn long the line was- but it moved impressively fast! I'm still kicking myself for letting the Apple store employees convince me to buy the English box instead of just getting the Japanese one. Oh well :apple:


    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney Talks About
  • Jesse McCartney Talks About

  • lyzardking
    Apr 19, 10:50 AM
    I started folding after I found out a loved one was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse Mccartney shirtless
  • Jesse Mccartney shirtless

  • Patmian212
    Sep 26, 12:34 PM
    What is a good app for a newbie to create a webpage? I want something simple and easy, free would be a plus. I also have a simple knowledge of html.


    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney. Hot or not?
  • Jesse McCartney. Hot or not?

  • maflynn
    Apr 28, 08:51 AM
    I have found SL to be very stable.

    At this point in time, I think apple has a very stable OS. Third party drivers have been out for a while, lot of the bugs that have snuck through 10.6.0 have been dealt with. It is a solid product to use at this stage.

    jesse mccartney fotos. Jesse McCartney
  • Jesse McCartney

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 30, 10:42 AM
    BTW: The 1gb shuffle is UK�99.01 over here.
    About US$186... :eek:

    So that's why $30 seems fairly reasonable from a UK point of view.
    Well... from my point of view anyway.


    jesse mccartney fotos. See All Jesse McCartney Pics »
  • See All Jesse McCartney Pics »

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 17, 09:48 AM
    This was funny in the first time I saw it.

    Yes, but you're old.

    Seen it before, too. :p

    jesse mccartney fotos. staring Jesse McCartney.
  • staring Jesse McCartney.

  • Matthew Yohe
    Dec 28, 02:59 AM
    I'm guessing that this is a bug that would be fixed in the future when OS X supports writing to NTFS volumes natively.

    So, if you want to share something on your Mac over the network, and you want to define users and their permissions, you should make sure that the folders that you're sharing are on a drive or partition formatted to HFS+.

    Ah nice, but don't expect OSX to support writing to NTFS in the future. The way that things like 3G-NTFS or whatever write to a NTFS volume is sort of hacky anyway. If you can, I would look into using exFAT now instead of NTFS (if that works for your environment).


    jesse mccartney fotos. jesse mccartney photobucket
  • jesse mccartney photobucket

  • munkery
    May 6, 01:34 AM
    1. Open Applications → Utilities → Activity Monitor and terminate processes linked to MACDefender.

    2. Delete MACDefender from the Applications folder.

    3. Check System Preferences → Accounts → Login Items for MAC Defender entry.

    4. Run a Spotlight search for "MACDefender" to check for any associated files and remove them if exist. Use this method to fully delete the trojan. (

    jesse mccartney fotos. (Jesse mccartney beautiful
  • (Jesse mccartney beautiful

  • randas
    Dec 5, 09:41 PM
    I guess, just make sure it has enough ram

    jesse mccartney fotos. Diary: Jesse McCartney
  • Diary: Jesse McCartney

  • LimeiBook86
    Dec 15, 03:16 PM
    I don't need a killer graphics card by all means, I need something for under $20 that can just use to display things. I'll b planning on running Mac OS X 10.3 (Or 10.2) and I just need something so the machine will work.

    So nothing fancy, just an ATI PCI card, the G3 currently has some PCI graphics card that came with my PowerMac 9600/233, it says "Twin Turbo 128 MA Rev 3.7" on it, and has the old Mac style port, not VGA. I might sell the PowerMac 9600 so I'll want to put back it's original card and get a cheap one for the G3. :)

    Sep 17, 03:50 PM

    Apr 28, 10:54 AM
    SL is stable and solid for me. Leopard was Apple's Vista

    Except leopard ran great right from 10.5.0. If anything Apple could ever be compared to Vista, it'd be 10.0 & 10.1. To be fair to microsoft though, 10.0 & 10.1 were considerably worse than vista. It wasn't til 10.2 that OS X actually became a usable OS.

    Apr 24, 02:18 AM
    At least not in the base model. In theory, Apple could replace the 3.2GHz quad BTO option with 3.2GHz 6-core but personally, I doubt that. However, you can buy the base model and do the upgrade on your own.

    May 1, 04:56 PM
    Ok, guys! Thanks for all your help but I finally fixed it by updating all iLife apps, and doing a reboot - ended the flashing dock problems and iPhoto works!

    Feb 23, 11:38 PM
    If you just type "cd New" then press Tab, it'll autocomplete the rest of the command for you.

    Learn something new everyday! :D But to clarify, you have to be in the volumes directory first, and it does actually have to start with "New" right? ;) But I did the same trick with another volume and it worked nicely. Very cool. :cool: